Terms and Conditions
Information provided on our website is updated regularly however we do not warrant the accuracy of the information provided and note that product specifications and information will change from time to time.
As a condition of accessing our website, you indemnify Oceanic Food for any loss or damage connected with your use of this website or the information it contains and you accept all risks associated with its use, including but not limited to; the use of information, transmission of viruses or third party interventions. 
You must not use this website to breach any applicable laws and you must not use this website or its images or information or any Oceanic Foods intellectual property for your own commercial purposes or engage in any activity that would create a commercial disadvantage for Oceanic Food or interfere with the operation of our business. We reserve the right to block or suspend any user of the website.

Oceanic Food Privacy Policy

Oceanic Food takes privacy seriously. 
If you provide personal information to Oceanic Food you can be confident that we will only use it for its intended purpose (such as fulfilling your order or responding to your enquiry) and will keep it confidential at all times. In addition, we will not disclose your private information to any third party or organisation aside from those that are trusted partners that assist us in delivering services to our customers. 
We will always take reasonable steps to protect the data you provide however we cannot always guarantee the security of information you transmit to us until it is in our possession. We do not store credit card details and we class personal information as any information that can be used to identify and individual. Detailed personal information is only collected when you provide it.
Using your computers IP address and cookies we may keep track of which parts of our website that you visit in order to improve our service to you on your next visit and to improve our service to our customers in general.  Cookies may also be used for marketing purposes. When you visit our website, our ISP makes a record of your server address, top level domain name, the date and time of your visit, the pages you have accessed and the type of browser you are using.  This information is collected for statistical purposes.

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